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Data Warehousing: Mistakes and Best Practices

What are some of the common data warehousing mistakes?

• Not implementing a comprehensive meta data strategy

• Not deploying a centralized warehouse administration tool

• Not cleaning or intergrating transactional data

• Expecting the warehouse to stay static

• Underestimating refresh and update cycles

• Using a poor definition and approach

• Poor design and data modeling

• Using inexperienced personnel

There are a lot of data warehouse horror stories; however, there are also a lot of phenomenal success stories. What are the keys to a successful implementation?

• Executive sponsorship is a must.

• A full-time project team with experienced staff is necessary.

• Both IT and business units must be involved in the project.

• Business analysts who understand the business objective as well as the data warehouse and the data mining technology must be involved.

• The project's scope must be focused and achievable.

• Activities must support the business goals.

• An iterative approach must be used to build, test, and implement the solution.

• Proven technology components must be used.

• Data quality is a priority.

• Think globally. Act locally.

• Implement short term. Plan long term.

Now let's look at some data warehousing "Best Practices":
• Transactional systems flow up to a consolidating layer where cleansing, integration, and alignment occur.

This Operational Data Store (ODS) layer feeds a dimensionally modeled data warehouse, which typicallyfeeds application or departmentalized data marts.

• Data definitions are consistent, data is cleaned, and a clear understanding of a single system of record exists— "one version of the truth."

• Meta data standards and systems are deployed to ease the change process. All new systems are meta data driven for cost, speed, and flexibility.

• Technology complexity of databases is hidden by catalog structures. Clean interfaces to standard desktop productivity tools. Self-service is set up for end users with business meta data, so they can get their own data with easy-to -use tools.

As in data mining and model development, building and implementing a data warehouse require careful planning, dedicated personnel, and full company support. A well-designed data warehouse provides efficient access to multiple sources of internal data.


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